Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Bacon, It's What's For Dinner!

Well, sort of.  There is very little actual bacon in this dinner, but bacon is the flavor behind it all. 

Leftover bacon grease from this morning's breakfast
Bone in/skin on split chicken breasts
Baking potatoes
The few pieces of bacon that were somehow overlooked at breakfast time
Sage leaves
Garlic and garlic powder

Preheat your oven to 450.  Rub chicken breasts with bacon fat and put into a baking dish, sprinkle liberally with pepper, garlic powder, and ripped up sage leaves.  Season carefully with salt. Set a timer for 30 mins.  Chop up your potatoes into quarters (smaller if they are very big) and toss them in the fat as well.  Season with pepper, garlic powder, rosemary, and once again be careful with the salt.  Put them aside until your timer dings, at which point toss them into the oven with the chicken and reset the timer for 15 mins.  Check on your chicken and shake the potatoes around a bit so they brown evenly, and let them both cook for up to another 15 mins. Saute your spinach in a tiny bit of the bacon fat with a lot of garlic (cook garlic a bit first, you are just tossing spinach into the pan to wilt it up), season with pepper, and crumble up the last bit of bacon and toss it with the spinach.   Enjoy sparing for the sake of your arteries.

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