Thursday, September 20, 2012

Curried Pumpkin Soup

Makes one serving for a hungry person or 2 app sized servings, scales up easily. 

1-2 tsp cumin seeds
2-3 tsp curry powder (hot or mild as you like it)
1 tsp cayenne  pepper
2-3 tsp ground ginger
salt, pepper to taste
1/2 a small yellow onion, chopped
1/2 to 1 tbl butter
1/2 cup pumpkin puree
2 cups veggie stock (can use chicken stock if you are an omnivore. Don't use water without really amping up the spices or soup will be bland.)
6oz (a single serving container) of 0% greek yogurt (could use full fat yogurt, or a smaller amount of sour cream or creme fresh, or just a dash of actual cream if you want.  But the yogurt has a bonus effect of adding a bunch of protein along with the creaminess.)

Put curry powder, cumin seeds, and both peppers in a small soup pan over medium heat to toast a bit while you chop up your onion.  Add butter when spices are toasted (you will be able to smell when they're ready).  Throw your onion and salt in when the butter melts and cook until onion is caramelized.  Add chicken stock, ginger, and pumpkin and stir to incorporate.  Bring to a low boil and cook for about 5 mins or so to let it thicken up a bit and let the flavors meld.  Taste for seasoning (you want the soup a bit spicier then you actually want it at this point because the yogurt will cool it down considerably) and pour into whatever bowl you are serving it in over the yogurt.  Stir to incorporate and enjoy.  Lunch for under 300 calories (assuming you did not overdo it with the butter) in under 10 mins. 

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